- Jaworski, D., Rybarska-Rusinek L., Linkov A., Evaluation of temporal derivative for propagating front of hydraulic fracture, Proc. XL Summer School-Conference: Advanced Problems in Mechanics. Saint Petersburg, Inst. Problems Mech. Engineering, (2012), pp. 182-187;
- Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek, Dawid Jaworski, Ewa Rejwer, Aleksandr Linkov, On modelling hydraulic fractures in inhomogeneous media, Proc. of the XLI Sumer School-Conference Advances Problems in Mechanics, St. Petersburg, Editors: D.A. Indeitsev, A.M. Krivtsov, (2013), pp. 474-484;
- Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek, Ewa Rejwer, Dawid Jaworski, Evaluation of stresses in strongly inhomogeneous rock with multiple cracks, openings and pillars, Proc. of the 8th Int. Symp. on Rockburst, Editors: Alexey and Dmitriy Malovichko, Obninsk- Perm, (2013), pp. 249-258;
- Rybarska-Rusinek, L., Jaworski, D., Linkov, A., On efficient evaluation of integrals entering boundary equations of 3D potential and elasticity theory, Journal of Mathematics and Applications 37 (2014), pp. 85–94;
- Jaworski, D., Linkov, A., Rybarska-Rusinek, L., A Note on Evaluation of Temporal Derivative of Hypersingular Integrals over Open Surface with Propagating Contour, Journal of Elasticity, Volume 120, Issue 1 2015 pp 121–128 (DOI 10.1007/s10659-014-9499);
- Dawid Jaworski; Aleksandr Linkov; Liliana Rybarska-Rusinek, On solving 3D elasticity problems for inhomogeneous region with cracks, pores and inclusions, Computers and Geotechnics 71 (2016), pp. 295–309.
Konferencje naukowe
- Advanced Problems in Mechanics APM2012, St. Petersburg, Rosja. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. Evaluation of temporal derivative for propagating front of hydraulic fracture (Jaworski D., Linkov A., Rybarska-Rusinek L.) na Minisymposium: Numerical Modelling of Hydraulic Fractures [1 – 9 VII 2012];
- Advanced Problems in Mechanics AMP2013, St. Petersburg, Rosja. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. On modelling hydraulic fractures in inhomogeneous media (Linkov A., Rybarska-Rusinek L., Rejwer E., Jaworski D.). [1 – 6 VII 2013 r.];
- 8th Intenational Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines (RaSiM8), St. Petersburg – Moskwa, Rosja. Współautorstwo artykułu pt. Evaluation of stresses in strongly inhomogeneous rock with multiple cracks, openings and pillars (Rybarska-Rusinek L., Rejwer E., Jaworski D.). [1 – 7 IX 2013 r.];
- British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Cardiff University, UK, Współautorstwo odczytu pt. Simulation of seismicity accompanying hydraulic fracture propagation in 3D (Dobroskok A., Jaworski D, Rybarska-Rusinek L.). [28 – 30 IV 2014r.];
- Advanced Problems in Mechanics AMP2014, St. Petersburg, Rosja. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. Numerical simulation of local field concentration near the contour of a fracture(Jaworski D., Linkov A.M., Rejwer E., Rybarska-Rusinek L.). [30 VI – 5 VII 2014 r.],
- International Conference on Advances in Micromechanics of Materials MICROMECH2014, Rzeszów. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. On efficient evaluation of influence coefficients for triangular, rectangular and trapezoid ordinary and edge elements (Jaworski D., Linkov A. Rybarska-Rusinek L.). [8 – 11 VII 2014 r.];
- International Conference Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture HYDROFRAC2014, Rzeszów. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. On increasing accuracy of simulations stresses near propagating hydrofracture (Jaworski D.). [14 – 16 VII 2014 r.];
- 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC 2015, Madryt. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. On interaction and propagation of closely located, nearly parallel hydraulic fractures(Rejwer E., Jaworski D.). [6 – 10 VII 2015 r.];
- 3rd Polish Congress on Mechanics and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, PCM-CMM-2015 CONGRESS, Gdańsk. Wygłoszenie odczytu pt. Almost analytical evaluation of influence coefficients for ordinary and edge power-type boundary elementse (Jaworski D., Linkov A., Rybarska-Rusinek L.). [8 – 11 IX 2015 r.];
- Advanced Problems in Mechanics AMP2016, St. Petersburg, Rosja. Współautorstwo odczytu (brak obecności) pt. Universal module for modelling 3D inhomogeneous media with accounting for hydraulic fracture problem (Jaworski D., Rejwer E.). [27 VI – 5 VII 2016 r.].